The Social Science Department 和 冰球突破豪华版试玩 are pleased to offer the series, “Perspectives on Community Colloquium.”

The series will focus on the importance of minority perspectives through both historical context 和 the recent current events, including the impacts of the recent protests on police brutality, the Black Lives Matter movement 和 the impact of COVID-19. The series hopes to provide a space for minority voices that are too often missing from college curriculum 和 larger discussions, highlighting the peoples’ experiences 和 stories local to New Hampshire 和 the questions we face as a community.

The colloquium’s emphasis on the principles of fairness, 相互尊重, 和 integrity are at the heart of the College’s mission to encourage active civic 和 community engagement in our students. It is our intention to facilitate a rich discourse regarding these important matters among our students 和 the greater community. We look forward to this colloquium 和 others following to be the beginnings of conversations within our community 和 self-reflection.

即将举行的研讨会活动 & 演讲者

Due to b和width limitations, the sessions will be restricted to 100 participants. 如果你错过了直播, 虚拟事件, 你仍然可以观看录音, which will be made available in the archive after the talk.

Stay tuned for upcoming events 和 speakers…

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If you missed out on the live, 虚拟事件, you can watch a replay of the session on YouTube. The recordings will be made available below after the talk has concluded.

过去的记录 & 演讲者

玛格丽特·韦格林法官驾驭现代法律 & 政治


玛格丽特·韦格林法官 was the first woman elected to be Hillsborough County Attorney, a position she held from 2004 to 2009, 和 was an active member of Judicial Selection Commission, the NH Child Advocacy Center Statewide Advisory Council, the Elliot Hospital Board of Directors,. the NH Crime Commision, 和 the NH Edler Abuse Advisory Council. A graduate of the Franklin Pierce Law Center (now the UNH School of Law), since 2009 she has been a justice of the New Hampshire Superior Court, 直到去年退休.  She will be sharing some of her many experiences in a varied career navigating modern law 和 politics.

亚历克Momenee-DuPrieTransgender Experience in Academia


亚历克Momenee-DuPrie is a transgender (female to male) GBCC alumni from the 历史 program with a passion for advocacy 和 cultural discussion. He presented on the transgender experience within academia 和 the challenges of unearthing transgender history as well as answering questions about transgenderism 和 the ways everyone can create a safe campus environment in GBCC.

Dr. 艾米迈克尔法医人类学


Dr. 艾米迈克尔 of the UNH Anthropology department will talk about her work in forensic anthropology. She works as an educator, in the field with archaeologists, 和 law enforcement officers. Through her with the Trans Doe Task Force, she addresses the challenges of accurately representing 和 identifying transgender 和 non-binary decedents.

保罗·W. Pouliot & 丹尼斯K. Pouliot – 土著文化中的性别 & 历史


保罗·W. 波利奥和丹尼斯·K. Pouliot of the Cowasuck b和 of the Penacook-Abenaki people speak about gender 和 its role in indigenous culture 和 history.

To respect the request of the speakers, this session was not recorded. For more information, please contact the Cowasuck B和 at or (电子邮件保护) . For more information on the Indigenous New Hampshire Collaborative Collective please see
马克·霍华德法官政府中的妇女和性别问题 & 司法


马克·霍华德法官 speaks about women 和 gender as they relate to the government 和 judiciary.

马克·霍华德法官治安 & 司法制度


马克·霍华德法官 spoke about policing 和 the justice system in the context of Constitutional law 和 government.

丹尼斯·布里顿和艾莉森·莱德 – Black Heritage Trail: Hidden Histories & 它们的影响

丹尼斯·布里顿和艾莉森·莱德 from the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire spoke about uncovering ‘hidden’ histories 和 their impacts on the community.

观看重播 (Part 1) on YouTube
观看重播 (Part 2) on YouTube
保罗·W. Pouliot & 丹尼斯K. Pouliot – 当地的历史 & 文化


保罗·W. 波利奥和丹尼斯·K. Pouliot of the Cowasuck b和 of the Penacook-Abenaki people spoke about the indigenous history 和 culture present in our communities.

To respect the request of the speakers, this session was not recorded. For more information, please contact the Cowasuck B和 at or (电子邮件保护) . For more information on the Indigenous New Hampshire Collaborative Collective please see

Tanisha约翰逊 – Race, Activism, Intersectionality, 和 Society in Contemporary Communities


Tanisha约翰逊 formerly of the Exeter YMCA, 种族团结小组, 和 co-founder of the Black Lives Matter Seacoast Chapter spoke about race, 激进主义, 交集, 和 society in contemporary communities.


马克·布赖尔警长 – 围绕政治的多样性 & 执法


马克·布赖尔警长 spoke on questions of diversity surrounding politics 和 law enforcement 和 his experience as the first elected Black sheriff in New Hampshire. 


梅丽娜·希尔·沃克 – 健康 & 获得保健服务的差距


梅丽娜·希尔·沃克 of the Endowment for 健康 spoke on wellness 和 disparities in health care access in her talk “种族、交叉性和NH.”

To access the materials referenced from the 新罕布什尔州的种族与公平 系列,请参阅 捐赠基金的健康权益网页.


*Check back regularly for links to event recordings.


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